Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends
thought I didn't exist. --Aaron Machado

Luke 5:18-20
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”   (It’s a good thing these friends didn’t drop him!)

Take time to count your friends today and make sure your best friend is Jesus. 

Enjoy "Life is Good" by Stellar Kart.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Happened Next

Friday evening I was sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair talking to my nieces.  Since they are teenagers I asked what everyone was going to be doing.  In seconds I had all kinds of answers; school dance, skating, and friends.   Sounded like a typical weekend for teens. 

Later they emerged with a fresh set of clothes on, their hair fixed and newly applied makeup.  Again, they came and sat on the porch with me, after some time had passed everyone was still sitting on the porch talking.  Concerned one was going to miss the dance I ask what time does the dance start.  The girls, “Oh we’re not going to the dance, we're going to dinner with our dad.”    

You know what happened next- they went to dinner and spent time with their dad.  I know…it's not real exciting, the earth didn’t shake, and nothing fell from the sky.   But that’s just it.   Life isn’t always exciting, traumatic or dramatic.  (Regardless of what the reality shows reflect on TV.) 

Sometimes we simply need to change our plans and spend time with our heavenly Dad. 

(Don't forget to come back for WooHoo Wednesday)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Woo Hoo Wednesday

According to Merriam-Webster the word encourage means to fill with courage or strength of purpose.  To encourage also suggest the raising of one’s confidence especially by an external agency, me.   

Actually I added the “me.”   Each week I will have an encouraging scripture, song or story.  

Enjoy today's song by Tim Hughes: Happy Day.  I hope it's like a sticky note on your brain and you can't not sing it the rest of the day.  Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, You washed my sin away!  Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, I'll never be the same! Forever I am changed!

Boy that puts a smile on my face:) 
Trena Zickefoose

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday Night Psalms 136

Psalms 136 is one of my favorite chapters in Psalms.  It begins by simply reminding us who we are to give praise to and why, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good..." Each verse there after adds strength and victory, "God of gods...Lord of lords." If that is not enough, verse 4-9 reminds us that God is the one "who alone does great wonders."  He created and separated the heavens, earth, day and night.  (alone, meaning without any help from us!)  The Psalms continues with miracles, protection and guidance through the Exodus.   And during the ups and downs of the people, His love endures forever. (Did you catch the "forever" part; we are within that time frame.)

My Tuesday night house church group personalized this Psalms.  With their permission I added it below.  I also added a link to for Psalms 136.  Compare the two, I think you will find it very touching.  I encourage everyone to do this exercise for themselves.   (Oh, ages in our group vary from 18 to 56.  There is something for every age.)  Remember verse 1-9 have not been altered.

Please enjoy, Tuesday Night Psalms 136.   

Tuesday Night house church Psalm 136

 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
            His love endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
            His love endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
            His love endures forever.
 4 to him who alone does great wonders,
            His love endures forever.
5 who by his understanding made the heavens,
            His love endures forever.
6 who spread out the earth upon the waters,
            His love endures forever.
7 who made the great lights—
            His love endures forever.
8 the sun to govern the day,
            His love endures forever.
9 the moon and stars to govern the night;
            His love endures forever.

10 to him who struck down the drugs, cigarettes and sins of the flesh
            His love endures forever.
11 and brought me out from among old friends with bad habits and sinful lives.
            His love endures forever.
12 with a mighty hand and outstretched arm he pulled me from depression, suicide and out of the pits of hell.
            His love endures forever.

13 to him who delivered us from wandering and wondering
            His love endures forever.
14 and brought us to a place of fellowship and community,
            His love endures forever.
15 and delivered us to peace, contentment and growth;
            His love endures forever.

16 to him who led us to renew our relationship;
            His love endures forever.

17 to him who died on the cross,
            His love endures forever.
18 to him who saved a lot of people—
            His love endures forever.
19 and he saved my life
            His love endures forever.
20 and I am a child of God—
            His love endures forever.
21 and gave me a gateway to heaven,
            His love endures forever.
22 God has prepared a street of gold for me.
            His love endures forever.

 23 He carried me when I could walk no more
            His love endures forever.
24 and he saved me from the grasp of Satan.
            His love endures forever.
25 He breathes life into all of us
            His love endures forever.

 26 Bow on your knees and give thanks to God Almighty.
            His love endures forever.